On Friday, 30 November 2012 at 07:20:39 UTC, monarch_dodra wrote:
Why doesn't:
"auto a = int(5);"
work? and, even more importantly, why don't we have this? :
"int* p = new int (5);"
The fact that we have "T()/T(arg)", but not "int()/int(arg)" makes *zero* sense to me. THAT has been a source of initial confusion when I moved to D.

I'd like to point out that what you are describing are examples of inconsistencies in D, and inconsistencies tend to be a significant cause of productivity loss in many areas. They needlessly complicate the learning curve, the users code, and even the documentation, and unless eliminated they will forever taint the user experience to a degree.

As for the way structs are default constructed, I found it to be very difficult to comprehend. The documentation needs to be made better and more detailed. However, I've come around to think that the behaviors are correct and worth putting up with. Yes it can be very confusing at times, so if there's a way to make it less confusing, that would be a big help.


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