On Tuesday, 11 December 2012 at 13:01:44 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Walter and I discussed that it should be possible to automate the dupIfNeeded() (I call it ensureUnique()) calls like this:

* If a method is const or immutable, leave as is
* For all other methods, insert a ensureUnique() automatically in the prolog code

For this to work, the state must be private and all primitives must be implemented via methods (as opposed to free functions).

This sounds good. But ensureUnique replacing dupIfNeeded really does two things - (1) determine if a copy is necessary (i.e. has a copy already been done) and (2) actually do the copy when necessary. What would it use to do the generic copy and what type of copy would it be (1 level deep (e.g. dup all fields of typeof(this)) or dup recursively deep)?

I don't think the compiler can choose which of these two is desired by the user. This would then call for some form of field copy mechanism similar to postblit, likely defined by user.

I think giving the struct designer a simpler way to do COW sounds very useful. Would love to read a DIP or notes on it. IMHO there are many coding use cases for me where even thinking about COW is premature optimization. For instance, when it comes to configuring a server at startup I really don't care too much about extra data copies.

In reading this news groups I see things like Walter is not a fan of postblits and sees no need for them OR static named field initialization of structs is up for deprecation. These kind of issues give pause. I don't think 100% guarantees are needed - but it would be nice if discussions hinting at existing features being in or out of the language be addressed quickly and vocally by either Walter or you.

Also, it would be nice if you release early and often when it comes to your thoughts and ideas on new features, like your thoughts on ensureUnique. Or, say, if you and Walter do have a potential solution or leaning when it comes to replacing postblits with true copy constructors it would be great to hear about.

I'm not complaining - here, though. Keep up the good work.


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