On Friday, December 14, 2012 01:17:08 David Nadlinger wrote:
> For 1., I would guess at most something like half an hour for a
> large codebase where the feature is used pervasively (you just
> keep editing/compiling until there are no more syntax errors),
> which is why I can't quite understand the fuzz you are making
> about keeping the feature. And even if they cannot switch right
> now, as the Remedy guys are obviously willing to use experimental
> compiler versions, can't they just use a patched version until
> they have made the switch?

I would think that they could just use the version that they're using now 
until they've had time to make the change (which I wouldn't think would take 
all that long, though it wouldn't surprise me if it took them a few hours 
rather than half an hour if their code base is large). I can only see that 
being an issue if they absolutely must have some other fix that's been checked 
in since that change.

Regardless, I think that this needs to be fixed before the actual release.

- Jonathan M Davis

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