Leandro Lucarella wrote:
> On Friday, 14 December 2012 at 00:42:58 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
>> On 12/13/2012 4:17 PM, David Nadlinger wrote:
>>> 1. How much work would it be for the guys at Remedy Games to
>>> convert their
>>> codebase from [] to @()?
>> I don't know. All I know is it's a lot of code.
> You should ask. It's really crazy to ask the WHOLE community to
> take the bullet for some company using an experimental unreleased
> version of the compiler without even knowing if there is a good
> reason why they can't just fix their code.

YOU should ask: <how the hell would I know what you SHOULD ask?>

That said, how is this "trust" thing working out for ya? The D project has 
be going for 15 years or more now and there probably has not been a single 
"paycheck" for the labor.

Ponder that if you want to, but I think know why Walter does not extricate 
himself from this cluster-puck of a "project": because he feels responsible 
and no one else wants to take it over. As it is, the D project is awaiting 
"the answer", where it "all comes together" and there will be justification 
of the endeavor. And that may occur, but it won't be the truth. You see, 
there are "forces" at work. The D project, like any GNU/GPL project is 
"below the line". That is, it is easier to be a thug and pounce on 
opportunity when opportunity presents itself, rather than.. um, hello (?), 

If the D project (and yeah, I'm poking at this project, but it is not at all 
personal, for I could poke at Stallman's "warriors" just as easily, for 
there is no diff?) isn't an example of .. well, isn't the D project a bad 
example? Bad examples are "good" though, for nothing teaches better than a 
bad example! (?).

So, conclusively, the D project is bad (hehe :P). That said, is there 
anything to salvage in the PRODUCT (D)? Probably, surely. In the end, D is 
what it is and akin to the likes of Stallman warriors: a looming threat. 
What is that threat? "We don't need to grow up, we can just conglomerate and 
patter our puds for 15 years or more and denounce "them" as evil".

That said, you like your golden boys, hmm? History shows, though, they don't 
get the job done. At best, they don't get it done efficiently (that is to 
say, they make it "open source" and waste a "little bit" of a lot of 
peoples' time and think no one is going to come along and point out how BAD 
that is to do, hmm?).

Someone here asked me what I want of Walter to ask such pointed questions. I 
don't want anything of Walter. I want to see the financial statement of the 
D project.

I remember when Walter directed D to this place (open source). I don't think 
"he" has anywhere else to take "this D thing" but to ally with the Stallman 
gang. Y'all programmers and wannabes will be absorbed in a "new" cause, but 
of course you don't care (sheeple) all you wanna do is code (masturbate).

I was admonished here by someone because I used the <term> "fanboy". Well, 
why would anyone in their right mind "contribute" to the D project? They 
wouldn't. They do it because they are young and stupid. There cannot be 
wars, unless there are young and stupid males, and they keep on coming! The 
war INDUSTRY is "a good investment".

What is "law"? Isn't "law" that in which you are a criminal if there is 
"consensus" that you are? How is this wrong from the get go (and you say, 
your country is based on it? "god help you", I guess, or go to war or be 
shot for desertion? Ah yes, "the law", and the crime it rides in on.).

I "visited" another language project "today". Ada. I didn't really go there, 
I just saw a post somewhere on the 'net or an article that noted that the 
fanboyism in the Ada groups is very high.

I'm not dissing fanboyism. I just don't think it has any place in 
seriousness or adultness/maturity. Why aren't "fanboys" over it when 
"graduating HS"? Am I suggesting that the system of schooling for boys is 
bankrupt? Na, I am saying it is pure evil: I mean, you did mean to sacrifice 
the boys so that the war industry could keep making money right? Am I 
missing something here?

I digress? I think "the D project", is not just the big waste of time that 
it appears to be, but that there is the ubiquitous profit motive being done 
here. I'm gonna take a break from "divulging" all these "secrets", and ask 
everyone in this "group" (well, OK, I didn't mean that: if you're dumb and 
stupid, go to Canada, don't go to your President's war to figure it out (cuz 
chances are, you won't grow up, you will die)).

200 years of a country and no progress. Hence, shouldn't the USA be shut 
down? Is the D project a shadow of the failed USA project?  I said WHAT?! 
Seniority? You raped for 200 years, that makes you relevant? You are valid, 
you are right, just because you have have done it for a long time (or done 
nothing and stayed in place for a long time)?

Oh, TIME, that lil thing. Hmm. What about that lil time thing. Tell me, ( I 
mean tell ME), how this time thing you got going on makes you feel you are 
entitled to MY time?

Not to suggest that Walter is like the post-menapausal bitch head of IT in 
some corporation (surely with the TITLE "Director") raping adolescent males, 
in this god-forsaken hell hole. No I wouldn't "venture out from the fold" 
that far. Huh.

There has been no progress. "progress", is, of course... oh now I looke like 
a raving lune. Which reminds me, of course, of Lorna. That's a lie. that was 
... wait.. there is not really a "Lorna d'loone"? or what those cookies 
said? I mean tha PACKAGE!!

I assure you all that all I say is ... well, I'm not even going to tell that 
lie! Let me tell you about Lorna Dune..


What is time? Webster would not dare. But the second (not time) I bring it 
up, I baspheme? Not to be overly mathematical, (and wasn't that me pandering 
to "Donald Trump"),

Yet, at every drop of a hat, you are "proven" (oh, and your "law" is all 
about "proof", huh) wrong.


I am "drifting" in the above discourse you think? Ha!

You are warring. Hello? You are chomping at the bit (I don't know the 
meaning of the christian biblical thing) ... well this "begs" another 

No "story" necessary, this is your M.O. (Note lack of question mark). Here 
is who I see you as:

Here is a kernel of corn. And y'all devour it and seek more. Like farmed 
fish being fed. You feed. You feed upon others, indirectly. How is it that 
programmers do this pattern? Hello. (Exercise left for the reader).


This post is long? Ya think? Hmm.

What is time? 

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