On 17 December 2012 09:29, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:

> On 12/17/2012 1:15 AM, Paulo Pinto wrote:
>> http://www.hopperapp.com/
>> I really like the way it generates pseudo-code and basic block graphs out
>> of
>> instruction sequences.
> I looked at their examples. Sorry, that's just step one of reverse
> engineering an object file. It's a loooooong way from turning it into
> source code.
> For example, consider an optimizer that puts variables int x, class c, and
> pointer p all in register EBX. Figure that one out programmatically. Or the
> result of a CTFE calculation. Or a template after it's been expanded and
> inlined.

Right, there is practically zero chance of being able to come up with 100%
identical D code from an object dump / assembly code.  Possibly with
exception to a few *very* simple cases (hello world!).  However it looks
like you might just be able to decode it into a bastardised C version.  I
can't see that hopperapp to be very practical beyond small stuff though...

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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