On 12/18/12 21:33, Iain Buclaw wrote:
>  b) No one infact uses GDC (go figure!).

> Similarly, no one has noticed that most of the pragma GDC supported have 
> mysterious vanished either.  The ones left at kept only for gcc.builtins 
> support until a time I re-implement the attributes in a better way that I 
> haven't decided on yet (hence why raising this thread).

See above - that's one thing that became completely clear after I first tried 
GDC and
filed the ~third gdc bugreport... Right now the situation is even worse, as 
with an experimental language is enough - having to also work with an unstable
compiler is not a practical option. If gdc is upstreamed hopefully some users 
return and new ones will come.

Pragmas weren't usable, for many obvious reasons, which i have mentioned here 
often enough.
Something like @gcc.noreturn will work, /after/ UDAs are properly handled by 
the frontend
(aliasing/tuples, attaching to locals (this may already work) and everything 
else etc).
The prefix isn't a problem because the typical usage will be

   module config;

   static if (this_is_gcc)
      alias @noreturn = @gcc.noreturn;
   else static if (this_is_whatever)
      alias @noreturn = ID!(@whatever.no(return), @whatever.blah);
      alias @noreturn = ID();

Ie no different than C/C++ attribute handling.


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