On 18 December 2012 19:23, Peter Alexander <peter.alexander...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I think this should be advertised that such a feature is in some GDC's
>> specific module, and that it can clash with any library symbol at any time,
>> as it is not a standardized feature of the language.
> Doesn't matter whether you advertise it as experimental or not. As we've
> just seen with Remedy Games and UDAs, as soon as someone starts using it in
> production, whether it's experimental or not, you have to support it.
> That's life.

Then again, I am not tied to any particular organisation, so I have no
influence from external bodies during the decision making of when I'm
adding, keeping, or removing any compiler features in the GDC flavour of
D.  I know that probably sounds rather blunt or ignorant, but what I do do
is only ever done on the basis that that was the right thing to do and did
with the best intentions that I had had at the time of doing them.
(Awkward sentence meant for opticron so I can watch him trip and fall over
it :).

An example of a litmus test I've done in the past is something like this:

1) Ask people what would they think if I pull feature X from GDC (eg, D's
.html source support).
2) Listen to the responses, some would agree, but most argue against the
whole idea for legacy reasons.
3) Wait maybe a fortnight whilst I take in all considerations and just do
it anyway.
4) Wait 6-12 months for anyone to notice.
5) No one noticed, thus concluding that:
 a) No one really has any use for it despite what they argue, or
 b) No one infact uses GDC (go figure!).
6) Send a pull request to DMD which gets put through into the next release.

Similarly, no one has noticed that most of the pragma GDC supported have
mysterious vanished either.  The ones left at kept only for gcc.builtins
support until a time I re-implement the attributes in a better way that I
haven't decided on yet (hence why raising this thread).

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';

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