On Thursday, 20 December 2012 at 14:51:31 UTC, Dan wrote:
On Thursday, 20 December 2012 at 07:48:12 UTC, foobar wrote:

This is trivially implemented with a simple OO design pattern in any usual OO language:

class Base {
 public override precious() {...}
 private void myPrecious() {

class Derived {
 override precious() {...}

Having syntax sugar is redundant given how simple this pattern is.

I think it is more than syntactic sugar and in this case it is trivial because you as a designer of Base anticipate only one level of Derived. But, assume there are to be 2, 3, 4, or more levels of derivation. In fact, maybe you don't know how many levels there will be. For a chain of B->D1->D2->D3 I don't see how you can up front get the same effect this way. At the level of D2, base will skip the implementation of precious() in D1. At the level of D3, base will skip the implementation of precious() in D1 and D2, etc. Chaining is lost beyond the first level. It is as if something is done in one direction, you want it done the other and you provide an example that does the reversion as long as there are only two entries. It is not truly a general solution.

You misunderstand. It is precisely what the quote bellow says - it saves you from coming up with new names. The same pattern can be applied multiple times for the multi-derivation case you bring up, it's just needs more method names.

To extend my previous example:

class Derived {
  override precious() {

class FurtherDerived : Derived {
  void furtherPrecious() {...}

Now, we get this call chain:
base.myPrecious() -> Derived.precious() -> FurtherDerived.furtherPrecious()
This can be extended ad infinitum.

From the article: "If you chain more than two levels of subclasses, BETA scales better because you don’t need to keep coming up with new names."


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