OK, now that 2.061 is out, we have User-Defined Attributes (UDAs).

Except, there is no doc on them, no explanation, nothing. For people who did not follow the monstrous threads in November, it's as if UDA do not exist.

Myself, I upgraded from 2.060 only yesterday, and I never used them. Heck, I do not even know their syntax. This thread is for people like me, who wonder what UDA are, and what can be done with them.

Jacob Carlborg wrote documentation, but it's not merged into dlang.org yet, AFAICT. Here it is:


Here is the executive summary:

User Defined Attributes (UDA) are compile time expressions that can be attached to a declaration. These attributes can then be queried, extracted, and manipulated at compile time. There is no runtime component to them.


@(3) int a;
@("string", 7) int b;

enum Foo;
@Foo int c;

struct Bar
    int x;

@Bar(3) int d;

From that, I get we can put any CT symbol (even a value) as an attribute. I thought we were restricted to user defined types.

To query them, use __traits(getAttributes, symbol)

@('c') string s;
__traits(getAttributes, s)

this gives a tuple of attributes, that can be manipulated as a template tuple parameter (the 'raw' tuples).

Jacob, you doc says UDA are (grammatically) treated as storage classes. Can we do:

class C {
    @(3, "hello"):
        int a;
        double d;

And get both a and d with the same UDAs?
[Answer: silly me, I have 2.061. Yes, that works, both C.a and C.d have (3, "hello") as an attribute]

My own rapid reading tells me we will rapidly need good tuple manipulations templates in Phobos. We have mapping and filtering (I guess?), but overloading, discarding, dropping and folding will be needed also.

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