Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Brad Roberts" <> wrote in message
BCS wrote:

Anyway, it's an ugly cycle that's bound to implode eventually.

I wish that were true, but I'm not convinced. My experiences at three different colleges indicate there's a lot of things about college that by all means *should* have imploded long ago. The problem is that college and anything claiming to be "education" has become such a sacred cow in our society that pretty much any amount of bullshit is, and will continue to be, tolerated for the foreseeable future.

When I went to college, most of the "textbooks" were what the prof wrote on the chalkboards during lecture. I didn't actually spend much on textbooks - few were required, and the rest I picked up used. I still have them.

The current scheme is so blatantly disrespectful of their customers (students) I don't see how it can persist.

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