On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Walter Bright
<newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:
>> Take a look at the generated PDF: http://erdani.com/d/dlangspec.pdf

> Looks good to me.

Yes, that has indeed quite a palatable appearance. I see you defined 2
or 3-cols tables, that's a good idea. Too bad DDoc macros do not
accept numerical arguments :) I guess in the end a 4-cols version will
be necessary, if only for the big tables in std.algorithm.

I also like your use of the `listings` package. How did you 'disable'
the automatic colouring DMD insert in code samples?

> It's also good to keep in mind that when I prepared the kindle version,
> which has a small screen, I had to rather ruthlessly pare down the length of
> preformatted lines like the code examples.

Same here. I have a big tutorial on templates on github. Following
your advice, Walter, I found ways to convert it into .epub or .mobi (I
converted it from LaTex to Markdown). And, indeed, even 60-chars lines
tend to be too long for these screens. That's a pretty harsh limit! I
still have to scan the entire doc to find the longest lines.

Maybe I can start converting it to a big Ddoc file...

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