On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 2:05 AM, Walter Bright
<newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:

> I'd still like to see it done as a phobos module. Maybe an enhancement
> request?

So, this should:

- take a .ddoc file for macro definition, or a [name, code] range of pairs.
- read an input range
    - this range can be a standard D file, a .dd or whatever. That
means parsing D comments...
- find any macro definition
- find any $(NAME Args,) call, expand it recursively. Repeat until
nothing changes anymore. This should be done lazily (through the input
range interface), in case the user want to stop before the end.
- output the result as a range.

What I'm not clear about, is: if the input is a D source file, should
the expander strip any D code from it? Should this return a
full-fledged documentation (ie, find the documented symbols...) or
just blindly expand DDoc macros.

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