I am responding before reading the rest of the thread.

On 01/09/2013 06:28 AM, eles wrote:

> In D, this is signalled by the in/out/inout keywords.

You mean ref, not inout.

> However, these are
> only visible at the moment of function declaration, not calling.

> In C, you usually can distinguish since parameters intended to be
> modified are passed through address (pointers), and you see that at use
> time:
> void make_a_equal_to_b(&a,b);

And in C++ it is again impossible because the ref parameter is a reference.

I've heard this proposal before. It is an interesting idea but I've been coding in C and C++ for years. I have never had an issue related to this topic. I always knew what a function call did. I don't remember a single bug that was caused by this.

I don't even prepend "ptr" to pointer variable names.

So I don't see the benefit.


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