On 1/9/2013 11:40 AM, Rob T wrote:
Yes you are correct. I was thinking of nullable references when I made that
comment. When you dereference on a nulled reference, I suppose that's not really
referencing deallocated memory. I'm not sure what exactly happens behind the
scenes when you dereference a null pointer, but obviously bad things happen and
it's not safe, also it is a memory related problem.

Null pointer faults are not a memory safety issue. Memory safety is not defined as "no bugs", it is defined as "no bugs that corrupt memory".

I did qualify what I said by mentioning that it depends on the definition of
memory safety. According to my definition of memory safety, a memory leak is
still a memory leak no matter how it happens.

If we each define our own meanings for words, we cannot understand each other. Memory safety is a standard piece of jargon, with a standard definition.

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