On Sunday, 13 January 2013 at 19:55:28 UTC, Damian wrote:
As per title, it would be awesome if someone could link me to these. I'm quite suprised that D does not already contain these.. are there any plans for them joining Phobos?

Well, a stack is just an array.

int[] stack;
stack ~= 1;
stack ~= 2;
assert(stack.back == 2);
assert(stack.back == 1);

If you want strict stack semantics (i.e. *only* allow access to the top/back) then you could trivially write a wrapper around an array that does this.

For queues, you could use DList, which is a doubly-linked list. Use .front to get the front of the queue, and .insertBack(x) to add to the back of the queue.

In C++, std::stack and std::queue are just wrappers around the other standard containers.

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