Peter Alexander:

Well, a stack is just an array.

int[] stack;
stack ~= 1;
stack ~= 2;
assert(stack.back == 2);
assert(stack.back == 1);

If you want strict stack semantics (i.e. *only* allow access to the top/back) then you could trivially write a wrapper around an array that does this.

That's very slow.

For queues, you could use DList, which is a doubly-linked list. Use .front to get the front of the queue, and .insertBack(x) to add to the back of the queue.

Linked list are very slow, unless you have to add and delete many items in the middle of the sequence.

In C++, std::stack and std::queue are just wrappers around the other standard containers.

The standard container you refer to is deque, sometimes implemented as a dynamic array of fixed-sized arrays, and this data structure is not present in Phobos.


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