On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 09:38:01AM +0100, deadalnix wrote:
> Anyway, I do strongly feel like we should stop adding more stuff
> now. Too much stuff is here already, some already start to misbehave
> together. It is probably time to consolidate the language, and keep
> that kind of stuff for a later version.
> After all, many language live without most of the feature D have.

Yeah, as I said elsewhere in this forum, D tends to work wonderfully
well when features are used in isolation, but once you start combining
them, you quickly tread into unexplored territory, compiler holes, etc..
It's fun and cool to add new features, I'll agree, but it's really time
for us to focus on using what we already have and iron out all the
wrinkles so that we can have a product that we are proud of.


"No, John.  I want formats that are actually useful, rather than
over-featured megaliths that address all questions by piling on
ridiculous internal links in forms which are hideously over-complex." --
Simon St. Laurent on xml-dev

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