On 2013-01-24 21:59, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
I know that this is that standard layout/theme of Latex but I don't
understand why links need to looks so horrible. A red or cyan square
around the text.

Isn't this be configurable?

Yes, it is. It's just the default for the hyperref package.

Yeah, the colorlinks option is much better - boxes are distracting and should be restricted to their main purpose... marking which authors have died. ;)

Other suggestion: a bit smaller margins, so the code won't wrap as much, and using footnotesize font in listings for same reason.

Now, tables - that's a PITA. I always end up in a cycle where I generate a PDF, preview it, tweak the tables (adjust column sizes, print the whole table in a small font, rotate the table or use a longtable), then generate the PDF again, and so on. I wonder how you approach this problem. Hints inside the documentation itself, perhaps?

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