On 1/24/2013 12:58 PM, mist wrote:
<rage>Please. Go to http://wiki.dlang.org/Release_Process . Read it. Answer the
question "Hm, does having well-defined release process with long-term support
versions help with instability of breaking changes?". And if answer is "no" then
you probably should have contributed your opinion there for a long time, because
it _should_ to.</rage>

Really, all this backwards-compatibility talk is a crap. There is no way we can
say current D design is final and solid and can be polished without any breaking
changes. We should not argue about how bad breaking is. We should discus how to
do those changes in the least harmful way.

Having a release process does not remove the pain of breaking changes that make users miserable because their older code no longer compiles.

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