On Wednesday, 23 January 2013 at 08:54:46 UTC, Paulo Pinto wrote:
Nothing like this here - you have all types, you have complete libm, libc and stdlibc++ with everything you need. There are no compiler extensions other than a typical GCC __attribute__ used to declare interrupts, which is not really necessary on most Cortex-M3 chips. These are really powerful chips with 1.25DMIPS/MHz and clocks around 70MHz (ranging from 24MHz to 204MHz)... There's even a dual-core chip - LPC43xx which has Cortex-M4F (with single precision hardware FPU and some SIMD instructions) and a Cortex-M0, both running at 204MHz <:

So these are not very much like 8-bit microcontrollers (AVR, PIC, ...)

That's why I think D would fit such chips quite nice (; Sans the GC of course... Maybe without exceptions too, but I don't think that would be possible (it's pretty hard in C++)...


Thanks for the valuable explanation.

The Cortex M4F based STM32F4 is an awesome ucontroller. It has 192kb of RAM, up to 2Mb of Flash, a FPU, I2S, I2C, USART, ethernet, etc. And it costs a few $ only.


You can play with one for about 20$ using the ST STM32F4 Discovery board. Python (running on bare metal, no OS) has been ported to it. If you really are serious with this ucontroller, you want to spend a few hundreds dollars and go with the Keil or Atollic toolchains, which bring IDE, debugger, desassembly, network analyzer, etc.

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