Would everyone be able to agree to only use @property functions as properties? This would still allow omittable parens as a way to make call-chaining and ufcs nicer.

The limitation this imposes is that
  void foo(int a) {...}
  void bar(int a, int b) {...}
cannot be called in this way:
  foo = 2;
  2.bar = 3;

As a consequence, everyone's favorite
  writeln = "lolwut";
does not compile.

What is still allowed:
  int foo() {...}
  void @property bar(int a) {...}
  int x = foo;
  bar = x;
  auto r = lets.chain!(q).some.stuff;

Although this seems like a distinction that's been discussed, I could never really tell if there was consensus on this.

Admittedly, I stopped following the "@property needed or not needed?" discussion halfway through.

As someone who has taken a stab at doing semantic property rewriting, I think this is a limitation that could potentially help us in the long run. It simplifies detection of properties: properties are only the things explicitly marked as such, and functions with omitted parens can follow a simpler codepath that the in-depth semantic rewrites can safely ignore.

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