On 01/29/2013 06:03 AM, sclytrack wrote:
On Tuesday, 29 January 2013 at 10:34:59 UTC, Sönke Ludwig wrote:
Am 29.01.2013 05:16, schrieb sclytrack:
On Tuesday, 29 January 2013 at 01:09:17 UTC, F i L wrote:
why in the hell would you want:

writeln = "lolwut";

to compile in the first place?

If you disallow this. You will have to invent something else than
Something that serves them both. opPropMethodDispatch maybe.

template opDispatch(string name)
static if( isAProperty!name ){
@property int opDispatch() { return 0; }
} else {
void opDispatch() {}

or similar should work.

I meant for dynamic D where you don't know if it is a property or a
method at compile time. Where you don't know if the method even exists
or not.

Overloading on an annotation is just weird. Either something is
annotated or not.

Going to eat now.

I didn't think it was an overload. I also don't understand the bit about dynamic D, because the dispatch in opDispatch always occurs at compile-time. Any strings used as method names on a type with opDispatch must be known at compile-time. This is reasonably expressive enough that I wonder if you're doing other dynamic calculations behind that all.

That template works, though I was also thinking about this natural use-case:

import std.stdio;

class Foo
        void opDispatch(string name)(int arg)
                writefln("%s(%s) called",name,arg);

        @property opDispatch(string name : "prop")(int arg)
                writefln("prop = %s", arg);

void main()
        auto f = new Foo();
        f.prop = 9;

// Writes:
// test(5) called
// prop = 9

This might be confusing to me because I'm not sure what your use case is. How are you generating your opDispatch functions currently where this becomes a problem?

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