On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 15:40:25 +0100
"Dicebot" <m.stras...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Packaging is best done (and should be) by OS package manager, not 
> hundreds of languages-specific managers. Good language package 
> manager in my opinion is just an information source for OS 
> package builders.

I'm not real big on the idea of OS package managers. Not when Unix is
in the picture anyway. I'm getting really fed up with software that has
a "download / install" webpage populated with totally different
instructions for an endless, yet always incomplete, list of Linux
variants. And *maybe* BSD. And then on top of that, the poor *project*
maintainers have to maintain all of that distro-specific cruft. Unless
they're lucky and the project is big enough that the ditro maintainers
are willing to waste *their* time converting the package into something
that only works on their own distro.

I believe I can sum up my thoughts with: "Fuck that shit."

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