On Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:47:28 +0100
FG <h...@fgda.pl> wrote:

> On 2013-02-20 11:32, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
> >> As for the X11 stuff, that's still more manual than I'd like when
> >> it comes to X11. (Like I said, I've had *BIG* problems dealing
> >> directly with X11 in the past.) But I may give it a try. I'm sure
> >> it's improved since the nightmares I had with it back around
> >> 2001/2002, but I still worry *how* much improved... Heck, I've
> >> even had X11 problems as recently as Ubuntu 10.
> >>
> >
> > Ah, okay, that's strange but I can understand that. The only
> > problems I ever had with X was that I had to add an InputClass to
> > the evdev file because evdev otherwise kept refusing to enable USB
> > mice(s).
> >
> Diving deeper into the OT...
> Not strange at all. I had similar experiences around 2001 when I
> bought a new immitation-of-ATI GFX card -- first there were no
> drivers for it and, when they finally showed up (proprietary and
> others), after weeks of configuring Xorg, I still couldn't make 3d
> acceleration work and ended up without it for the next few years. Not
> only Xorg are a problem. Even today I can't fire up the newest Ubuntu
> install CDs without the screen going blank. That's how bad things are
> with X and even framebuffer console. So I am not surprised hearing
> about problems in this domain.

Back with ~2001 Mandrake (and also the RedHat from the same era), I
would have a fresh OS install, everything would work fine at first, but
then after a few days, X11 would inexplicably just...not start. At
all, not even manually. And for no apparent reason - I hadn't touched
or messed with anything even related. Only thing I was able to figure
out that actually worked, even with plenty of Googling, was yet another
fresh reinstall. And then a few days later it would just happen again,
totally out-of-the-blue.

Between that and various other Linux issues at the time (For example,
nothing comparable to today's apt-get existed), I ended up giving up on
Linux entirely for the next ~7 years after. Most things are a lot
better now, though. I was genuinely surprised/impressed at some of the
improvements when I tried it again around Ubuntu ~9.

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