On 2/28/13 3:03 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2013-02-27 22:59, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I like Tap (including the name). It is similar to Unix's "tee" utility.

Cool, is this something that could be included in Phobos? If yes, where?

I think it belongs to std.range.

1. tap!fun(r) returns a new range (of a new type R1 distinct from typeof(r)). Upon the first call to .front without an intervening popFront, fun(r.front) is called.

2. tap!(fun1, fun2)(r) also returns a new range, calls fun1 as described above, and fun2 whenever popFront() gets called without the front() being looked at. So fun1 tracks the looked-at data and fun2 tracks the ignored data.


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