On 2/28/2013 10:32 AM, foobar wrote:
At a bare minimum, there should be a well defined place to notify *users* (NOT
DMD contributers) about language changes *ahead of time*. If such place is not
defined, than people do not know where to look for that info if that is even
available at all. This at least will remove the element of surprise.

The mailing lists serve that purpose, and the discussion was on the mailing list (which is an echo of what happens on github). It also showed up in the bugzilla n.g., as do all things posted on bugzilla.

You could argue that there's too much other 'noise' on those things. But at what point can one decide what is 'noise' and what isn't? Everybody has a different set of things they want to watch.

For D to be really open as it claims to be, there should be additional
guidelines about the decision making process itself. This should be made
accessible for *users* (D programmers). I need not be a core DMD contributer,
nor should I need to know C++ or DMD's internals, Nor should I need to browse
among hundreds of bugs on bugzilla or pull requests on github (both can be
labeled very poorly) to discern out of that sea of information what are the
*few* visible changes to the language and core library APIs.

All of the changes affects somebody, otherwise they would never have gotten onto bugzilla in the first place.

There are searches you can make on bugzilla for fulfilled enhancements only, such as:


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