On Wed, 20 May 2009 05:40:37 +1200, BCS <a...@pathlink.com> wrote:

Reply to Lutger,

BCS wrote:

all LINQ is is a set of standard nameing conventions and sugar. I Add
a "Where" function to some SQL tabel object and you get the above as

 Not really, LINQ is 'sugar' for the underlying libraries that

As far as language features go, I'm even less impressed with sugar for libraries.

implements querying. Instead of calling it just sugar, it is more
proper to call it a language in it's own right.

I still don't think it's anything to spectacular. The AST stuff on the other hand...

LINQ's syntactic sugar is not bad in my opinion. With .net its more acceptable to have syntactic sugar for a library that it depends on as it is all part of the base framework that is going to be there but with D I think we could all agree that a LINQ like query just doesnt fit in too well (for now at least)

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