BCS wrote:
Reply to Andrei,

I've repeatedly failed to figure out the coolness of C#, and would
appreciate a few pointers. Or references. Or delegates :o).

The coolness of c# is that (in order, IMHO) 1) the tools are world class, 2) the support is back by MS, 3) the docs are great, and 4) the language is highly consistent and conservative, e.i. nothing is added until they've got it right.

Aside from #4, the *language* isn't anything to write home about.

Have you seen Linq? That's *amazing*!

You can deal with expression ASTs and do really cool stuff with that. Like doing:

var results = someObjectsThatAreGoingToBeTakenFromTheDb.Where(o => o.Name == "Foo");
foreach(var result in results) {
  // There, the previous condition with the given expression has been
  // translated to SQL and executed.

I find C# a really nice language.

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