Am 12.03.2013 03:25, schrieb Daniel Murphy:
"Iain Buclaw" <> wrote in message

(The D conversion seems to think it's lisp).

     Expression resolveLoc(Loc loc, Scope sc)
     scope(success) traceout("resolveLoc");
     scope(failure) traceerr("resolveLoc");
         FuncDeclaration fd;
         if (sc.callsc && sc.callsc.func)
         fd = sc.callsc.func;
          else fd = sc.func;
         const(char)* s;
         if (fd)
             const(char)* funcStr = fd.Dsymbol.toPrettyChars();
             HdrGenState hgs;
             OutBuffer buf = new OutBuffer();
             functionToCBuffer2(cast(TypeFunction)fd.type, buf, &hgs, 0,
             s = cast(const(char)*)buf.extractData();
          else {
             s = "";
         Expression e = new StringExp(loc, cast(char*)s);
         e = e.semantic(sc);
         e = e.castTo(sc, type);
         return e;

looks not that bad - the big question for me is - do you think that this could be the way to do the port (or do you just "test" how far you can get with automated conversion)

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