On 2013-03-24 20:59, timotheecour wrote:
BTW, why was the constructor added to Proxy and the "dummy" argument?

because I wanted to simplify syntax from 'auto
ret2=named!fun.z(3).x(4).call();' to 'auto
In doing that, I was having CT errors without it due to ambiguity
between default unnamed constructor and opCall, so I added
Then inside the named() function i needed to return a proxy object.
Alternatives were:
return Proxy!(func, null)(); //wrong: would call opCall
return Proxy!(func, null).init; //not sure if it would incur overhead
return Proxy!(func, null)(0); //introduces dummy arg, which should be
optimized away.

Aha, ok I see.

Finally, how do I reply from my email client ? Right I'm using
http://forum.dlang.org/ otherwise the message isn't delivered on the
forum... Thanks!

I'm using Thunderbird and just using "Reply to the message".

/Jacob Carlborg

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