On Saturday, 23 March 2013 at 15:59:12 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2013-03-23 16:55, John Colvin wrote:

A simple example is matplotlib.pyplot.plot

There are so many possible flags and parameters that can be passed in order to get the exact behaviour you want, but commonly you'll only want a few set for each call. You don't want to have to set all the other preceding parameters, you just want to go e.g. plot(data, linewidth=5)

I've heard it was a big boost for C# when it got support for default arguments and named parameters. It made it a lot easier to integrate with COM.

AFAIK, this is only relevant or useful for COM (i.e. to support legacy, not really OO code) and is not supported (compile error?) for regular C# code as it is *not idiomatic C#* style (and is not OO).

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