On Wednesday, 27 March 2013 at 17:23:01 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
I strongly disagree. What would be an example of the problems you are apparently experiencing?

T foo(alias fallback)() {
// Do some processing return the result. If an error occurs use fallback mechanism.

Reasonable thing to do as fallback is to try another method workaround the error, throw, whatever.

The problem is that the fallback type inference makes it painful to work with, especially if fallback is a template itself.

For instance, in SDC, you can parse ambiguous things as follow :
parseTypeOrExpression!((parsed) {
    static if(is(typeof(parsed) : Expression)) {
        // Do something
    } else {
        throw SomeException();

This is bound to fail. When a function never return, it make no sens to force a type on it and the magic subtype typeof(null) should be used (as typeof(null) can cast to anything, it is valid to call the function in any condition).

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