On Wed, 27 Mar 2013 18:46:09 +0100
"deadalnix" <deadal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 27 March 2013 at 17:23:01 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
> > I strongly disagree. What would be an example of the problems 
> > you are apparently experiencing?
> >
> T foo(alias fallback)() {
>      // Do some processing return the result. If an error occurs 
> use fallback mechanism.
> }
> Reasonable thing to do as fallback is to try another method 
> workaround the error, throw, whatever.
> The problem is that the fallback type inference makes it painful 
> to work with, especially if fallback is a template itself.
> For instance, in SDC, you can parse ambiguous things as follow :
> parseTypeOrExpression!((parsed) {
>      static if(is(typeof(parsed) : Expression)) {
>          // Do something
>      } else {
>          throw SomeException();
>      }
> })(tokenRange);
> This is bound to fail. When a function never return, it make no 
> sens to force a type on it and the magic subtype typeof(null) 
> should be used (as typeof(null) can cast to anything, it is valid 
> to call the function in any condition).

A "does not return" return type would be nice for other things anyway.
For example:

    void error(string s) // Convenience helper
        throw new MyException("blah blah blah: "~s);

    void serveFilesForever()

    int doStuff()
            return 1;
        else if(blah2)
            // Bullshit compile error:
            // "Not all paths return a value"

            // Must add dead code, keep compiler happy:
            // Same bullshit

Compare to:

    no_return error() // Convenience helper
        //if(foo) return; // Oops! But compiler catches error.

        throw new MyException("blah blah blah");

    no_return serveFilesForever()
        // This might be harder for the compiler to check :(

    int doStuff()
            return 1;
        else if(blah2)
            error("poop"); // No bullshit, just works
            serveFilesForever(); // Whee!

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