On 2013-04-03 23:44, Jonathan M Davis wrote:

The main issue I have with the wrapper is the fact that you're then forced to
overload your function if you want it to test the argument for validity if
it's not wrapped and not test if it's wrapped. So, you're creating an extra
overload with every function that's using the wrapper to determine whether it
should test or not. And if you're not creating those overloads, then there was
no point in creating the wrapper in the first place.

Then you're doing it wrong. The point is that you should validate the data in one place. Then pass the validated data around. You can also turn it around. Instead of having Verified!(T) you could have Raw!(T). Where ever you get the input data from should return Raw!(T). You have one function accepting Raw!(T), validate. The rest of the functions accepts T.

/Jacob Carlborg

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