On Tuesday, 9 April 2013 at 13:52:58 UTC, Maksim Zholudev wrote:

It looks like SciD [1] is obsolete [...]

"Obsolete" is the wrong word here. SciD is currently not actively developed (I'm sorry to say), but it's not like Gaussian quadrature no longer works...

The library does suffer from some bit rot due to compiler modifications, though, which I was not aware of until now. I'll get that sorted out shortly. When that is done, SciD will still work the way it always has. It just won't be getting any new functionality in the foreseeable future.

And I've said this before, but I'll say it again:

Cristi Cobzarenco's "SciD" is not a "new" or "updated" version of SciD. The reason it retains that name is that he started his work by forking my library. However, he removed all non-linear-algebra functionality, and then rewrote the entire linear algebra modules from scratch, so there really isn't much left of SciD in there AFAIK.


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