On Wed, 10 Apr 2013 19:42:57 -0700
Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:

> On 4/10/2013 3:02 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > I have noticed that programming and videogames both scratch the same
> > mental itch, at least for me. If I've been doing a lot of one, I'm
> > less motivated to do the other.
> Oddly for me, programming video games kinda wrecked my enjoyment of
> them. I keep seeing the man behind the curtain instead of the
> fantasy :-)

Long ago, when I was an anxious budding indie-game dev (before I got
side-tracked on web), I trained myself to analyze games on their various
levels: technical, gameplay mechanics, aesthetics, interface, etc.
Afterwords, I never did learn how to turn that part of my brain off ;).
Personally, though, I find that process entertaining as well, so I
haven't found it to hinder my ability to enjoy a good game.

I realize some people may scoff at seeing that last sentence coming
from me, but there really are a lot of games that I do enjoy very much
overall - even when there's things I think could, or even should,
have been done better. I just tend to find "what was done wrong" much
more interesting to discuss them "what was done well". Probably because
"things done right" are problems that have been solved, whereas "things
done wrong" are problems to be solved and signal areas with a ripe
potential for improvement.

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