I'm replicating `condp` from Clojure(http://clojuredocs.org/clojure_core/1.2.0/clojure.core/condp). Basically, it's like a `switch` statement without lookup table, only it's an expression(so it returns a value) and you can choose your own predicate(the default will be "a == b"). For example:

    writeln(2.predSwitch!"a < b"(
        1, "less then 1",
        5, "less then 5",
        10, "less then 10",
        "greater or equal to 10"));

Now, I've got it working(the example actually compiles and prints "less then 5"), and I want to make a pull request to put it in Phobos(because it's a useful function) but I don't really know where to put it. None of the existing modules seems fit, and I don't want to open a new module(std.monad?) for a single function.

Any suggestions?

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