On Mon, 15 Apr 2013 18:41:07 +0200
"Idan Arye" <generic...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Having D's `switch` be an expression is problematic, since D does 
> not have the convention of 
> blocks-returning-the-value-of-the-last-statement, and since D is 
> statically typed - adding this might cause unwanted implicit 
> conversions.
> Maybe it could be pulled off with a syntax similar to Scala:
>      switch(x){
>          case 1 => ...
>          case 2 => ...
>      }

Wouldn't it be possible to just simply choose between these two forms
based on whether the switch is used where an expression is expected
versus where a statement would be accepted?:

switch(cond) {
case 1: [...statements...] break;


switch(cond) {
case 1: [...expression...];

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