On Mon, 15 Apr 2013 18:58:18 +0200
David <d...@dav1d.de> wrote:
> Wth? Fx 2? Opera :/
> Fx is really outdated

If you're wondering, this is my explanation for the FF2:


As long as I have my plug-ins for it, I still find it the #1 most usable
browser on the planet. Modern standard compliance and such would be
nice, but I'll take rendering glitches over a shitty Chrome-inspired UI
any day.

> and opera, meh, it's opera.

I completely agree, but at least it isn't IE or *shudder* Chrome. I had
been using Arora instead of Opera for awhile, it showed a lot of
promise, but it's kinda half-finished and a little crashy, and dev on
it seemed to have mostly stopped last I checked.

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