How about "on hold"? (Not that I have any say in it at all)
As long as it is implemented in the near future and we must not wait another year (not even a half) it is ok. But the fact is, that we don't know what state it has, because we get no response.

The fact is, there's much more to any change than simply implementing it. Changes break unexpected things. There are always extra corner cases not considered. There are always bugs and inconsistencies.
Could be, but I don't see what could be broken by this DIP. All contingencies are listed also in the DIP (and that are not many). And it passed all tests what is crucial.

Although it's great that you and some others have done the legwork to implement this proposal, it may have to wait until other more urgent problems have been fixed.
Could be, but I don't know why. Which other fix is necessary for this pull? But also this would be ok, as long as we know, _which_ problems must be fixed.

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