Am 23.04.2013 22:21, schrieb eles:
On Tuesday, 23 April 2013 at 18:57:46 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 4/23/13 2:42 PM, eles wrote:
On Tuesday, 23 April 2013 at 14:26:33 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu
I was mainly referring to the fact that C++ succeeded in spite of
having initially an incomplete specification. Nowadays the
expectations are much higher.


As long as you keep changing the language, no specification will ever be

C++ will long advance. D must be out and living before C++14. Then, it
will be too late. My view.

C++ was created around 1985, that is 28 years as of today.

I remember going through the ARM (Annotated Reference Manual) around
1995 and not finding a C++ compiler that was able to compile all examples.

Following "The C Users Journal", shortly thereafter renamed "The C/C++ Users Journal" and "C++ Report" and seeing the language change each month, with each C++ compiler offering a different view what the language meant.

C++ will be with us for many years to come, but you should not forget that it has a few years in the industry already, and as I mentioned in a separate post, systems programming languages require support from OS vendors.

As a supporter for stronger typed languages I look forward not only D, but Rust and Go as well, even with its issues, to gain wider support, but it takes time.


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