Whatever the choices are of whether bool is a 1-bit integer or a a logical true/false value, this should not happen:
enum e = 1;
void main()
   foo(e);  // bool

static e = 1;
void main()
   foo(e);  // long

The reason being that according to the language spec, the constant "1" should be an int. Whether or not it implicitly converts to a bool, this means that "enum e" should have a type of int as well. The actual value shouldn't be taken into account when determining which overload to call, only the type should matter, and an unknown int value should implicitly convert to a long not a bool. Automatic conversion of "1" to bool should only be able to happen at the point where the literal is used if at all:

enum bool e = 1;

Ideally such an implicit conversion would only apply if it was the only possible valid implicit conversion, so this:
Should at least warn of the ambiguity.

Compile-time conversions based on value rather than type are by definition going to break the type system. Therefore the only way to get "1" to normally be an "int" but automatically convert to a "bool" without being inconsistent is to effectively introduce a new type for the literal "1" which has the desired conversions (the same way that zero has a special type in C/C++ which can convert to both an integer or a pointer).

The important thing is that this special type for "1" should never transfer to other things: the type of the literal should be fixed to a normal type at the point where it is used to prevent surprising the user (this is what C/C++ does).

At the moment "enum e = 1;" transfers the special properties of "1" to "e" and I think that's more than a little surprising.

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