Am 09.05.2013 20:15, schrieb Walter Bright:
On 5/8/2013 7:56 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
So what I'm trying to say is, that maybe a pull request should first
be analyzed
if it is actually worth putting more work into it before starting with
nitpicks. I don't know if the review process is already defined
somewhere, if
not it might be worth doing so.

For me, the fundamental issue with it was the design - use tagged
variants or virtual functions? I agree with you that without a decision
on that, proceeding with an implementation is not worth the effort.

BTW, one issue is nearing resolution. D will soon provide a dll for
phobos for Linux, and it is intended to migrate this to all platforms,
which will resolve the ODR problem.

Well that is nice for you, but for my use cases this will most likely not work, and thus I'm just going to continue maintaining my own version of druntime. For example I'm reloading classes at runtime which happens via a dll. As a result the TypeInfo of that class will exist twice (if you reload once) because the dll with the new class binary will contain the new TypeInfo object and thus violating the ODR. For a in depth explanation see:

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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