Good afternoon, all,

I would still like to compile the D Lang Spec into EPUB (and possibly other formats) but, as we discussed in these threads:

having the D Lang Specification written in DDoc macros is making it extremely difficult to work with.

I ask, therefore, what opposition would there be to me rewriting the DLang Spec files into another format that will be easier to parse and compile for the website, PDF, Latex, eBook and other formats? If the answer is 'minimal', 'go ahead' or 'it's your funeral', then my follow-up question is 'what format would be the easiest to write, debug and maintain?'

For greater clarity, I am NOT proposing to rewrite the DDoc-generated library documentation or any other pages outside of the spec. In the makefile, they are defined as the files covered in $(SPEC_ROOT).

With regards,

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