On Sunday, 26 May 2013 at 08:09:16 UTC, Borden wrote:
My 'complaint' - although I would prefer to have my observations about difficulties working with a markup system be called 'observations' - is that the current body of text files which comprise the DLang spec source cannot be easily compiled into clean, well-formed, XHTML5-compliant files from which I can build an ePUB file.

Maybe you can automatically convert HTML to XHTML, and then apply an XSLT transformation.

You mentioned somewhere that you needed something like a CSS transformation to target a <p> inside another element. You could do that with XSLT.

To convert from HTML to XHTML you could use the following:


It is made in C#, though if it works, I guess it could be ported to D.

ALso you could use Addam D. Ruppe XML DOM classes, which, though I'm not sure, seem to tolerate HTML4:


(grab dom.d and characterencoding.d from there).

Or maybe the next generation xml library for D which will be revieed for inclusion, which supports XPATH queries:



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