On Wednesday, 29 May 2013 at 12:19:54 UTC, Regan Heath wrote:
I started discussing this because people where claiming that non null makes the compiler more complex to implement, which is completely false.

That's not the argument being made by Simen. The argument is that @disable this() is a feature which allows a set of features which include but is not limited to not-null, and is therefore a superior feature to have.

Do you agree?

I do agree that @disable this is useful. *BUT* the argument made is based on the untold assumption that both are mutually exclusive, which is not true.

IMO, this then renders any specific not-null language feature unnecessary. And, allows a library type to do the job.

Most people agree that you'll find 2 useful behavior : non nullable and nullable with obligation of handling the null case. The default behavior right now provide none of thoses. It behave just as if it were non nullable, and simply crash when they happen to be null.

This behavior isn't useful. You'll find no argument except historical reason (which is a very valid argument BTW) to keep that. Everything else is backward rationalization.

Assuming, as you say, that @disable this() and not-null require the same compiler work, these holes that need plugging would need plugging in either case, right?


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