On Sunday, 26 May 2013 at 01:24:51 UTC, Manu wrote:
I might just add, that if you have Visual Studio installed (which I presume many Windows dev's do), then you don't need to do ANYTHING.
DMD64 just works if VS is present.

I didn't do a single thing to get DMD-Win64 working. And it's working great.
I just set up an environment on Win 7 x64 using the Windows SDK version 7.1 without Visual Studio. Using the DOS prompt that comes with the Windows SDK, which initializes various build variables, to compile to 64-bit COFF with dmd and link to a COFF64 C static library, the only thing I had to do was set a VCINSTALLDIR environment variable (set VCINSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\), so that dmd could find the 64-bit linker, link.exe.

Other than that, all you need to do is install the Windows SDK 7.1, which comes with the compiler, linker, and various build tools. I had read that the latest Windows SDK, 8.0, does not come with the compiler and other build tools, though perhaps that has changed since, I haven't checked recently.

You should make sure this is clear at the top of any wiki entry.

Perhaps a future push to convince Walter to port DMD-Win32 to COFF/WinSDK
aswell might be nice ;)
Win32 is still an important platform for many (most?) users.
I agree. I wonder how much more work COFF32 would be, ie why it wasn't done in the first place. I was surprised when I started using D on Windows how painful the OMF/COFF situation was, especially since Windows support has long been pointed at as a strength for D.

Great work to make it this easy on Win64, :) COFF32 would push D the rest of the way.

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