On 06/04/2013 11:57 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On Tue, 04 Jun 2013 22:52:27 +0200
Timon Gehr <timon.g...@gmx.ch> wrote:

On 06/04/2013 09:19 PM, Idan Arye wrote:
Consider the following code. What will it print?

      auto arr=new ulong delegate()[5];



It is natural to expect that it will print [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], but it
actually prints [5, 5, 5, 5, 5]. The reason is obvious - all the
delegates refer to the same `i` in their closures, and at the end
of the loop that `i` is set to `5`.


It is not that obvious. They refer to different i's that happen to
reside at the same place in the stack frame. It's a bug.

It is more obvious that it is a bug given this code snippet:

import std.stdio, std.algorithm;

void main(){
      auto arr=new ulong delegate()[5];
      foreach(immutable i;0..arr.length){
           arr[i]={auto j=i;return {assert(j==i); return i;};}();

As you can see, 'i' mutates even though it is declared immutable.

Keep in mind that this exhibits the same "mutating immutable" behavior:

// Prints 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, even though i is immutable
foreach(immutable i; 0..5){

No, it does not! My code contains immutable variables j and i (in fact, 5 pairs of these), where with DMD's buggy behaviour it appears that at one point in time j==i and at another point in time j!=i.

Your code contains five distinct immutable variables i with different values.

It's questionable as to whether that's really a problem. And even if it
is a problem, it would *only* be because you make i immutable. So
this is irrelevant to the OP's examples because:

1. He didn't use immutable, and

No, this point is irrelevant. It is a bug in any case. If immutable is used, this bug can be exploited to break the const system. Hence, I was using immutable to make my point more clear. Apparently it had the converse effect.

2. A delegate is *expected* to read the values inside its closure at
the time of delegate *invocation*, not at the time of delegate creation.

Obviously. What you seem to miss is that there is no aliasing between any of the delegate closures in the above code.

Note that I understand exactly what you think is happening.


Yes. Yes.


That refers to a local defined within the loop, not the iteration
variable itself, which is different from the OP.

No, it is not, as I have explained before. Since 2.063, the loop variable that is exposed from the foreach loop behaves like a for-loop loop body-local variable.

Also, it's
questionable that there's any problem there *other* than the immutable

Obviously there is. The only reason why the code appears to behave as you assume it does is because the loop-local variables happen to be allocated at the same place for each iteration. It's a memory safety issue. Allocated memory is allocated again before it is freed.

If that helps, other C-like languages with closure support (eg. C#) correctly allocate a closure context per loop iteration.

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