On Wed, Jun 05, 2013 at 01:20:48PM -0400, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Wednesday, June 05, 2013 14:02:37 Jakob Ovrum wrote:
> > We have a standard library in disagreement with the language's
> > encapsulation mechanics. The module/package system in D is almost
> > ignored in Phobos (and that's probably why the package system
> > still has all these little things needing ironing out). It seems
> > to owe influence to typical C and C++ library structure, which is
> > simply suboptimal in D's module system.
> I honestly don't see how Phobos is in disagreement with the module
> system. No, it doesn't use hierarchy as much as it should, and there
> are a few modules that are overly large (like std.algorithm or
> std.datetime), but for the most part, I don't see any problem with its
> level of encapsulation. It's mainly just its organization which could
> have been better. My primary objection here is that it seems
> ridiculous to me create lots of tiny modules. I hate how Java does
> that sort of thing, but there you're _forced_ to in many cases,
> whereas we have the opportunity to actually group things together in a
> single module where appropriate. And having whole modules with only
> one or two functions is way too small IMHO, and that seems to be what
> we're proposing here.

As Andrei pointed out, I think we need to look at this not from a size
perspective (number of lines, number of functions, etc.), but from an
API perspective: do these functions/structs belong together, or are they
only marginally related? More precisely, if some user code uses function
X, is that code equally likely to also use Y? Are there common use cases
in which only Y is used, not X?

If the use of function X almost always implies the use of function Y
(and vice versa), then they belong in the same module. Otherwise, I'd
say they are candidates for splitting up.

If function X uses function Z, and function Y also uses function Z, but
the use of X does not necessarily imply the use of Y (and vice versa),
then I'd argue that X, Y, and Z should be in separate modules to
maximize reuse and reduce the amount of code you have to pull in (you
shouldn't be forced to pull in Z just because you use X which calls Y,
which Z happens to also call).

This may be a bit heavy-handed for user code, but for Phobos, the
standard library, I think the bar should be set higher. After all, one
of the stated goals of Phobos is that you shouldn't need to pull in a
whole ton of code just because you call a single function. Right now I
think we're a bit short of that goal.


All men are mortal. Socrates is mortal. Therefore all men are Socrates.

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