On Wed, Jun 05, 2013 at 08:29:51PM +0200, Brad Anderson wrote:
> On Wednesday, 5 June 2013 at 18:25:45 UTC, w0rp wrote:
> >An the subject of std.algorithm being very large, I realised
> >something. Once the import change is in that makes it possible to
> >import sub-modules all at once, there will be some nice potential
> >for splitting up std.algorithm a bit into sub-modules, while
> >making 'import std.algorithm' work exactly like it does now.

Is that even necessary? We could just do this:

module std.algorithm;
public import std.algorithm.search;
public import std.algorithm.compare;
public import std.algorithm.iteration;
public import std.algorithm.sort;
public import std.algorithm.set;
public import std.algorithm.mutation;

Newer code, of course, would use the more specific imports.

> You could probably just use the categories the documentation already
> defines.
> std\algorithm\searching.d
> std\algorithm\comparison.d
> std\algorithm\iteration.d
> std\algorithm\sorting.d
> std\algorithm\set.d
> std\algorithm\mutation.d

Good idea!


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